The United States Equestrian Team Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 22-1668879.
Contributions made to the USET Foundation directly support the grants that the Foundation makes to the Federation for the High Performance programs and direct athlete grants. Annually, the USET Foundation awards grants covering approximately 50% of the High Performance program budget. Donors may give an unrestricted gift or restrict their gift to a specific discipline.
The USET Foundation adheres to good governance and the best practices that minimize the chance of unethical activities and consistently executes its mission in a fiscally responsible way.
Major Donor/GMC | 78.9% |
Annual Support | 15.7% |
Other | 5.4% |
Grants & Programs | 78.2% |
Fundraising | 14% |
Management/General | 7.8% |
(as of December 31st, 2023)
Assets | 2023 | 2022 |
Cash and cash equivalents | $ 3,624,216 | $ 4,190,280 |
Contributions and pledges receivable, net | 8,170,455 | 7,327,267 |
Accrued investment income receivable | 44,149 | 32,467 |
Investments | 21,690,098 | 19,426,928 |
Prepaid expenses | 732,387 | 386,334 |
Right-of-use asset | 61,377 | 81,280 |
Property and equipment, net | 770,427 | 761,077 |
___________ $ 35,093,109 ========== | ___________ $ 32,205,633 ========== |
Liabilities and Net Assets | ||
Accounts payable and accrued expenses | $ 41,147 | $ 17,559 |
Lease Liability | 61,377 | 81,280 |
Total liabilities | _______ 102,524 _______ | ______ 98,839 ______ |
Net assets: | ||
Without donor restrictions: | ||
Undesignated fund, available for general activities | 3,315,954 | 3,527,159 |
Board-designated funds, functioning as endowment | 6,205,739 _________ | 5,377,454 ________ |
Total net assets without donor restrictions | 9,521,693 _________ | 8,904,613 _________ |
With donor restrictions: | ||
Purpose restrictions | 6,537,796 | 5,107,080 |
Time-restricted for future periods | 5,988,597 | 5,160,224 |
Perpetual in nature | 12,942,499 _________ | 12,934,877 _________ |
Total net assets with donor restrictions | 25,468,892 _________ | 23,202,181 _________ |
34,990,585 __________ | 32,106,794 _________ | |
$ 35,093,109 ========== | $ 32,205,633 ========= |